What a Day! (by Wiktor Ożóg, 8b)

Zwycięska praca w konkursie "What a Day!" to opis dnia, w którym wszystko, co mogło pójść nie tak, poszło... dokładnie „nie tak”! Komisja konkursowa współczuła narratorowi, jednocześnie nie mogąc oderwać się od czytania. Wyobraźcie sobie, że nawet przy myciu zębów przydarzyło mu się coś nieprzyjemnego - uderzył się w palec u  nogi (czy ktoś z Was kiedykolwiek tego doświadczył? Myjąc zęby?!) A to był zaledwie poranek. Potem było jeszcze gorzej... Zresztą sami przeczytajcie:

Day 20th October 2020

That day was the worst day in my life. Evrything started from my alarm clock. It do not call a 7

a.m, but at 8 a.m I do not know why. When I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth I hit at the

desk with my toe. Later that toe hurt me all day. When I was in the bathroom, it occured that my

toothbrush was not charged. While I was making a toast, i was miles away, so the toast was

burnt. I discovered that It was late to school. While I was running to the bus stop I fell off and hurt

my knees.

When I was near the bus stop, I saw the bus, but a bus driver could not see me. He drove away. I

decided to go on foot. Later, the truck which was passing me by made me wet. In school I noticed

that i forgot my project for polish lesson, so I did not pass this assignment. Then, during the chemistry

lesson, something exploded into my face and I was blind for a few minutes. While I was coming

back from school, a dog was chasing me. I was running towards my house. It bit my leg and made a

hole in my jeans. In front of the door I discovered that my keys were at home, so I needed to wait

until my parents came.

The worst thing was that I became ill because it was really cold outside.


Wiktor Ożóg VIII B
